Our goal from the start was to make the home buying or selling process as simple and inexpensive as possible for Educators! Other industries offer relocation packages for their employers and housing allowances. Why not Teachers? Simply put, we ALL want that money to go to the children, technology and schools that have such an important job to do. However, we realized there was more that we could do for Teachers and Educators so we added to TENhomes.net with TENperks and TEN-fit and we are looking for more expansion in the future.
The membership is design to enrich their lives by providing extraordinary service benefits as outlined below:
TENhomes- A Relocation Service available coast to coast: This concierge service assists educators in the daunting task of selling their homes, moving their belongings, and finding affordable and comfortable homes in a new neighborhood.
TENperks- A Comprehensive Discount Service: This extraordinary discount program offers an average discount of 40% on 300,000 products and services nationwide. Generous discounts are offered from a vast range of practical grocery coupon savings to much-needed vacations in Orlando, Florida, and many more locations.
TENfit- A Far-Reaching Personalized Resource for Fitness: This program has been specifically designed for the overworked educator to achieve a life of well-being. Carefully chosen online mentors provide guidance on becoming physically fit, mentally sound, and financially fit, as well.
Who can benefit?
 Public and Private Teachers
 Principals and Assistant Principals
 Coaches and Assistant Coaches
 College and University Professors and Teachers
 College and University Staff
 Trainers
 School Board Members
 Public and Private School Staff….
If you’re involved in educating the leaders of tomorrow, you qualify!