Wings Recovery offers residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, outpatient treatment, and transitional housing. Moreover, we offer tangible hope-- walking side by side with our clients to navigate the barriers which have held them back from living their best lives. Committed to healing and passionate about recovery, our clinical team is dedicated to helping each client connect and align with their true selves.
You don't have to have trauma to benefit from a program that specializes in the treatment of trauma-related issues like PTSD, relational and developmental trauma, and dissociative disorders. Even when PTSD is not a primary diagnosis there are often times various kinds of traumas underlying other mental health issues and co-occurring diagnoses.
Our program addresses the full range of mental health issues, welcoming clients with high-level challenges. Treatment thrives on recognizing and honoring the holistic uniqueness of each client. We tailor each treatment plan to meet each client's needs so that they have their best path toward creating a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Wings Recovery is a primary mental health treatment facility offering adult women, transgender, and non-binary clients a safe environment where they can move toward creating a meaningful and fulfilling life. Healing is possible!