Welcome to Aptakisic-Tripp School District 102
"Every day, every student will come to school and be met with learning opportunities at his or her personal developmental level in all subject areas. He or she will leave school having been challenged, feeling successful, and looking forward to tomorrow."
District 102 Information
Welcome to District 102! District 102 exists to serve the children of this community, and to that end, we have established a strategic direction which supports our mission to "empower all learners to excel."
Every day, every student will come to school and be met with learning opportunities at his/her personal developmental level in all subject areas. He/she will leave school having been challenged, feeling successful, and looking forward to tomorrow.
District 102 Strategic Planning
Unlike a business, a public institution cannot measure success by counting profits earned or widgets produced. Instead, progress must constantly be measured against the vision. In the fall of 2010, D102 students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other community representatives worked collaboratively to create a product that would determine the direction and monitor progress toward new goals. The work of this group resulted in a five-year strategic plan called Learning Vision into Action with goals in Personalization and Academic Rigor, Life and Learning, Human Capital, and Writing. National conference goers will learn how District 102 leveraged 21st Century tools to engage stakeholders, solicit community input, archive processes, and communicate results. Visit http://d102.org/learningvision/ for more information on D102's Strategic Design process.