Blue Arcus Technologies Inc. (Blue Arcus) is the brainchild of a group of experienced engineers and experts in the Telecom industry who identified the need for focused and reliable telecom network support for remote areas. Headquartered in California, USA, with its core competencies defined by expertise in the field of sustainable & affordable turn-key network solutions, Blue Arcus commits itself to provide the best network solution and telecom engineering to its customers worldwide.
Blue Arcus uses knowledge-based and field experience as a key to successful project scheduling which covers the phases of conceptualization, implementation and management. Blue Arcus believes that incorporating these phases coupled with expert advice and proper guidance liberates the client to manage the network better helping them adopt and seamlessly integrate technology to enhance their business ventures.
1) Sunnyvale, California, USA (HQ)
2) Manila, Philippines
3) Hyderabad, India
4) Sydney, Australia