The Tobacco Barn has been proudly serving the needs of cigar and pipe smokers since 1929. The Tobacco Barn, along with our CigarTailor private-labelled cigar service, has been serving the online community since 2003.
In mid 2006, we completed the acquisition of IK Meerschaum and Lighters Galore Plus, two wildly popular electronic commerce sites specializing in the sales of all types of lighters and meerschaum pipes. This has proven to be a natural combination as we've been able to provide a much larger base of products to the combined customers of all three properties. These sales include retail and wholesale accounts as IK Meershaum is one of the largest importers of Meerschaum pipes from Turkey in the US.
The our company continues to grow and now includes other internet properties such as PipeTrader community and auction site, Let's Talk Cigars blog site, informational site and No More Tobacco Taxes blog.