Jordan Krams Email

Director Franchise Development . OHM Fitness Studios

Current Roles

Get a customized, low-impact 25-minute workout that’s suitable for any fitness level! OHM Fitness uses FDA-approved EMS training technology combined with a LIIT workout arc to spark better results in less time—all without the wear and tear on your body and joints.\n\nThe EMS 2.0 wireless technology contained in the EMPower bodysuit helps people reconnect with their bodies and fitness, freeing them from hours of workouts, or the guilt of trying (often failing) to fit them into a packed schedule. Ohm Fitness is for health-minded individuals seeking real results without putting their bodies through the rigorous intensity and stress of HIIT training. Each Ohm workout arc helps work your muscles deeper and more effectively than is possible on your own or with weights. Best of all, Ohm Fitness training doesn’t produce damaging cortisol spikes associated with stress.\n\nOne 25-minute OHM session is the equivalent of 4 hours of training at peak level!\n\nThis is your moment, Ohm it.
OHM Fitness Studios Address

Scottsdale, AZ
United States
OHM Fitness Studios Email

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