The Leyden High Schools serve all or part of the following suburban communities: Franklin Park, Northlake, Rosemont, Schiller Park, River Grove, Melrose Park, and unincorporated Leyden Township. District 212 has two high schools (East & West Leyden) and one combined athletic program. West Leyden has a diverse school population. Currently 62.2% are Latino, 30.9% are White, 1.4% are African-American, 3.2% are Asian and .2% are Native American. East Leyden's student demographis are slightly different than West Leyden. At East Leyden the student population is 63.3% WHite (many from eastern european countries), 32.0% Hispanic, 2.8% Asian, 1.0% African-American and .30% Native American. The students generally score close to the State of Illinois average on their ACT exams.