Local Service - As a local business, we're proud to exclusively serve New Jersey and New York customers. Skip the big box stores and national chains... they're far too large to be able to create a consistently great experience. From appliance selection to installation, we work to ensure your complete satisfaction.
The Appliance Destination - With over 12,000 sq. ft. of beautiful displays, our showroom is the best place to experience the latest appliance trends & innovations.
Next Day Delivery Available - We know it can be a major hassle when an appliance in your home breaks. We have next day delivery available on many of our in-stock appliances to ensure life isn't negatively impacted.Low Price
Guarantee - Some people think we only sell expensive high-end appliances based on our business name. That's not true! We carry appliances for every budget and our prices are typically better than what you'll find at chain stores. Additionally, we have exclusive mail-in rebates you won't find anywhere else.
Multiple Ways to Shop - Shopping with us is easy and convenient. Feel free to shop online or visit one of our showroom locations. Our team is actively online ready to chat or take your calls.
You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers - We pride ourselves on having a great team. Our sales experts will turn your questions into answers while guiding you to find the best appliances for your budget and lifestyle.
Expert Installers - Did you know that the majority of service-related phone calls in the first year of ownership are due to installation errors? Not with us! Our careful deliver crews are trained to handle even the most complex installation jobs.