Our common mission is to create an international network of Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs to help solve the critical challenges of our time — from national security to natural disasters, from energy to the environment. Because if we do not address these problems with a mission-focus and an entrepreneurial approach — at speed — the challenges we face will overtake our ability to solve them.
The Common Mission Project’s (CMP) flagship effort is Hacking4Defense (H4D) — a program sponsored by the National Security Innovation Network and powered by BMNT and CMP — which is taught at approximately 30 universities across the United States. H4D enables innovative solutions to national security problems by leveraging Silicon Valley innovation methods, such as Lean Start-up. CMP also leads Hacking4Local, Hacking4Diplomacy, and Hacking4Oceans programs and executes similar programs in the United Kingdom.
The Common Mission Project (CMP) is a 501c3 non-profit arm of the innovation company, BMNT, Inc. CMP is an international platform for building Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs — from the government, to universities, and to the private sector to solve real-world problems at the speed of start-up.