Communities of Care is a Class A, Minnesota-based home health care agency. Since 1999,we have specialized in the long-term needs of medically complex children and adults who live with their families in the Twin Cities metro area.
Communities of Care has a unique combination of clinical excellence, a personalized approach to home care, and 14 years of experience that make us the most trusted experts in long-term home care.
Communities of Care was created by Joan Vaughn to meet her own daughter’s medical needs. Joan knows first hand what it is like to be the parent of a medically-fragile child. She also knows the trials and blessings of having nurses in her home helping her take care of her child.
Initially, other agencies came into the home to provide care, but they did not supply a qualified staff or follow through on their commitments for coverage. COC was established as a higher quality of home health care, committed to doing things effectively and professionally.
Communities of Care uses a family-centered operating principle: we treat each client family as unique, and design their home care team to meet their individual needs. Let Communities of Care use our history and experience to make your home care experience successful.