JOIN OUR TEAM AND BE PROUD TO SAY "WE BUILT THAT"! Ventana Construction Corporation is a general contractor and construction manager that has been operating in British Columbia since 1987.\n\nVentana has 20+ active jobs in the lower mainland and we are constantly looking for great people to join our team.\n\nAt Ventana, we build teams, rather than staff a project, and being part of a project team means working together to deliver the best service and building possible.\n\nOUR PEOPLE, OUR PASSION: Construction is primarily a people business and retaining talented employees is essential to maintaining the integrity and principles that shape our company.\n\nWELCOME TO THE VENTANA FAMILY: We strive to maintain a small-company feeling, where everyone is not just an employee; they are a part of the Ventana family.\n\nWORK TOGETHER, PLAY TOGETHER: Our culture is social, communicative, and team-based. We genuinely enjoy spending time together and that’s why we hold numerous social events and team building activities throughout the year.