Waypoint Academy utilizes a highly specialized, therapeutic approach in treating young men whose lives have been overtaken by anxiety. Because we recognize the devastating impact anxiety causes teens & their families, we provide individualized care that transcends the generalist approach.
WayPpoint Academy has developed the Mindful Completion Model (MCM), an innovative approach designed to reverse the debilitating effects of anxiety by replacing avoidance with acts of purposeful completion. Mindfulness involves being and remaining in the moment with intent and purpose as opposed to retreating from experiences and fears. Mindful Completion Model process actively challenges events in the here and now.
At Waypoint, we don't simply remove the stressors students have historically struggled with and then process the past during therapy. Instead, we supportively expose our students at optimal times to the very stressors that have controlled their lives. Strength and empowerment come from facing and completing challenges, and as one mindfully addresses the source of struggles, he gains experience, confidence, and emotional endurance.