Excipio is a business solutions provider that empowers its clients with expert, unbiased insight, enabling them to make the best possible decisions and strategies for their company based on a sophisticated technical, business, and financial strategic assessment.
Excipio solutions include:
Data Center Lifecycle Management
Disaster Recovery
Cloud/Application Management
Operations Review
End-User Services
Network Management
Service Offering Management
Technical Resources
Excipio achieves this by delivering analytical resources and a proven, proprietary Economic Analysis Modeling and Methodology (EAMM®) process. This process accurately captures and comprehensively communicates the costs and benefits of investment in technology, enabling senior management to understand the value of technology decisions and the appropriate level of investment required to operate their IT environments when dealing with compelling events.
While a vendor may introduce Excipio to a client, our sole focus and motivation is to provide analysis and recommendations that best suit the client’s needs. We do not sell hardware, software, or integration services of any kind, nor do we receive any form of compensation or consideration from any party other than the client. Excipio is vendor, product, and platform neutral, which allows our clients to rest assured we offer a completely unbiased analysis of their environment. We take pride in being our client’s best ally and trusted advisor.