Jesse Bielasiak Email

Assistant Sales Director, Watches . Tiny Jewel Box

Current Roles

As a family-owned store with just one incredible location, we pride ourselves on delivering an extraordinarily unique shopping experience for you. Our team offers unmatched personal service, lasting relationships, and an unwavering vision to offer only the highest quality, artistry, and craftsmanship. Three generations of our family have made Tiny Jewel Box a unique and welcoming Washington institution. For almost 90 years, we have brought the very best in design and quality to the Washington D.C. market. When you work with our highly experienced jewelry and watch specialists, you can be sure that we listen to what you want and need and consistently deliver above your expectations. Anything you need, everything you want all under one roof – our family is here for yours.
Tiny Jewel Box Address
1155 Connecticut Ave, NW
Washington, DC
United States
Tiny Jewel Box Email

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