Earn rebates while generating revenue by teaming with an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC). The math is simple, and in the era of tight margins and shrinking DoD budgets, every little bit counts.\r\nThe Department of Defense (DoD) Indian Incentive Program (IIP) encourages teaming with an ANC by providing you a 5% rebate incentive on the total amount subcontracted to an ANC.\r\nTitle 48, Chapter 1, Subchapter D, Part 26, subpart 26.1, Section 26.102\r\nâ??Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in performing contracts awarded by Federal agencies. In fulfilling this requirement, the [IIP] allows an incentive payment equal to 5 percent of the amount paid to a subcontractor in performing the contract, if the contract so authorizes and the subcontractor is an Indian organization or Indian-owned economic enterprise.â??\r\n\r\nPlease visit our website: http://www.goldbeltfalcon.com
Goldbelt Falcon Address
860 Greenbrier Circle Chesapeake, VA United States