The Breathe Institute is a multidisciplinary center for precision diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of nasal obstruction, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and breathing disorders. Our areas of focus include: Otolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery), Sleep Medicine, Myofunctional Therapy, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Pharmacy (Medication Therapy Management).
We also have great collaborative relationships with Dentists/Orthodontists, Internists, Pulmonologists, Sleep Labs, Neurologists, Cranial Sacral Therapists as well as Nutritionists and Psychiatrists/Therapists.
We are a patient centered, concierge, out-of-network, specialized healthcare practice, and also offer educational opportunities to other providers in the field to help them address their patients more comprehensively!
The Breathe Institute | Breathing Wellness Address