Alliance Title maintains physical, electronic, and internal safeguards to comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Alliance Title automatically gathers the Internet Domain (i.e. \"\") if you use a private Internet Access Account, or an IP address (the IP address is the number assigned to your computer whenever you surf the Web) from where you access our website, and the date and time you access our Website, and the pages you visit. This information in no way identifies you personally. Alliance Title may capture nonpublic information from your visit to our website when you voluntarily provide personal information to us through the use of our website (i.e. when ordering products/services online). We may collect transaction information obtained from our files. We may collect information that we received from others involved in your transactions (lenders, real estate agents). However, we do limit the use of such information to the purpose that the information was provided. Alliance Title does reserve the right to use the information for marketing and product development purposes or to contact you regarding additional services or products we feel you may find useful. Alliance Title may use \"cookies\" to help provide you with better service. Cookies give us data you provided on previous visits. The cookies we utilize do not collect personally identifiable information; we do not use them to determine your identity. You may configure your Internet browser to be notified when cookies are to be received and to provide you the option of refusing cookies. However, you may limit your ability to utilize our website in its entirety by refusing cookies. Alliance Title employees may view information you provide in order to perform their duty and service to you. Nonpublic information is restricted to those employees who need to utilize the information in order to provide a service to you. We do not share nonpublic personal information to third parties that are not affiliated with us, unless the law allows us to do so.
Alliance Title and Escrow Corp. Address
380 E. Parkcenter Blvd Boise City, ID United States