Digital wellness therapy infrastructure company. Leaders of scientific-backed digital therapy: Augmented Soundâ„¢. Specializing in evidence-based, multisensory, digital health and wellness media interventions. Adaptive audio/visual technologies that expand sensory awareness, memory, and human potential. Enhanced training tools for faster learning, deeper understanding, and higher performance during daily tasks.
On a mission to expand the human potential through Augmented Soundâ„¢.
Building enhanced training tools for faster learning, deeper understanding, and higher performance in daily tasks.
Augmented reality technologies and music-based algorithms are revolutionizing several verticals and sectors worldwide. Muvik empowers people to reach their goals through seamless and intuitive Augmented Sound™ – powerfully reflecting your status and guiding you to the next objective.
We specialize in adaptive sound systems for task assistance - unlocking audio's potential to empower.
Augmented Soundâ„¢ has the potential to transform the following industries:
Performance coaching
Healthcare, including brainwave and respiratory analysis
Relaxation and sleep quality
Physical therapy and professional sports training
Emotional and psychological reflection
Location mapping and personal navigation
Environmental monitoring
AI-driven and generative audio
IoT efficacy