Irvine Pharmaceutical Services is a market leader providing accurate and reliable chemical and microbiological results to the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device industries in a timely and dependable manner. Our pharmaceutical services consistently meet or exceed pur clients’ expectations while providing professional courtesy and dependable customer care. Founded in 1988 as Irvine Analytical Laboratories, Irvine quickly evolved into a respected testing facility providing analytical-through-formulation support for many of the nation's leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies. In response to the growing needs of our customers, we've recently expanded our depth and breadth of services and our expertise in pharmaceutical development to ensure support through preclinical, clinical, registration and commercialization. Our fully-compliant cGMP services include method development and validation, analytical chemistry, stability storage and testing, comprehensive microbiological support, preformulation and formulation, drug delivery testing, inhalation and nasal testing, biopharmaceutical support, and much more.