ClassWallet empowers business officers to reallocate precious time and resources from the paperwork and receipts involved in tracking and reconciling relatively small transactions to more impactful matters. Over 3,000 schools use ClassWallet to automate processes for transactions for over 169,000 teachers and principals, freeing up tens of thousands of man-hours.\n\nWe have a single, consolidated platform that includes:\n\nA virtual wallet - allocate budgets, stipends, and grants online\nIntegrated eCommerce platform with 40+ education vendor partners including Amazon, Staples, School Specialty, Scholastic, and many more\nApproval workflow \nMobile application with digital receipt capture\nReimbursement management and automated ACH direct deposit\nRobust reporting and data integration with any ERP or accounting software\n\nUsed by:\n\nSchool Districts\nState Government\nK12 Tuition Scholarship Organizations\nNonprofit organizations\n\nLearn more at