Culligan Water Conditioning is the premier water treatment company in mid Missouri, specializing only in water and its various stages of purity. We do not dilute our customer focus by trying to be something different to everyone. \r\n\r\nWe are a locally owned business and hold the franchise territory for the counties of Audrain, Boone, northern Callaway, Cooper, Howard, Monroe and Randolph. We also manufacture and delivery Culligan bottled water as well as Mountain Valley Spring and Diamond Spring waters.\r\n\r\nWe also provide commercial and industrial water treatment in the majority of our State and have proven our abilities in the following areas, Design build pure water systems in all areas of commercial business including De-ionized water portable exchange service, Softening and reverse osmosis water for laboratories and food manufacturing facilities, water for pharmaceutical manufacturing, Medical grade water for many hospitals and clinics as well as Dental offices, make up water for boilers and cooling towers and the list goes on and on.\r\n\r\nIt is our desire to be the water treatment provider in all areas where needed and our factory trained personnel focus on customer satisfaction.