Our mission is to maintain strong workforce development system, for nineteen targeted cities & towns, by working in concert with area businesses, community organizations, educational institutions and the local Workforce Investment Board.
Our goal is to help our customers remain competitive in today's workforce, by providing access to career & academic information, training opportunities, and current innovative technology.
Our FREE services help close the skills gap between the job seekers and the needs of the employer.
Some of the services we provide include; workshops and assessment tools, professional career counseling, educational and training services, use of our resource area, and specialized services for veterans.
Our Business Service Unit aids area businesses with tailored solutions to their employment related challenges. These services include but are not limited to, the opportunity to post job openings, coordination of on-site employer recruitment and interviewing sessions, and pre-screened and referrals of qualified job applicants.
"We put the North Shore to work!".