The College of Europe is the oldest and Europe’s most renowned institute of postgraduate studies and training in European affairs, and remains unique and innovative to this day. It operates on two campuses, one in Bruges (Belgium) and the other in Natolin (Warsaw, Poland). Established in 1992 in Warsaw at the time of the reintegration of the European continent after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the College of Europe in Natolin has been the first of its kind in the region with the task of educating about the European Communities and the countries of East and Central Europe. Today, with its postgraduate Master of Arts in European Interdisciplinary Studies, the Natolin campus is at the cutting edge of academic study of new developments in the EU and its neighbourhoods. Every year, it attracts students from all over Europe and beyond who are seeking a truly multicultural experience and an international career. Our mission is to provide graduates and young professionals with the wider perspective on Europe.