Gordon Jackson Email

VP Community Affairs . CORE Services Group

Brooklyn, NY



Current Roles

CORE is a minority-governed and community-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit human services and community development organization, headquartered in Brooklyn, NY. CORE's mission is to empower individuals, families and communities to access and maintain employment, gain independence, and live stable and satisfying lives in communities in which they become contributing and productive citizens. CORE strives to achieve its mission by helping clients stabilize their lives and access transitional or permanent housing. CORE's programs strive to fully engage clients so they can take full advantage of extensive onsite, evidence-based programming grounded in comprehensive assessment, ongoing case management, and evidence-based practices. CORE's case managers and program staff help clients use available programming to improve life skills, gain/regain interpersonal and employability skills, develop financial skills; develop or enhance job skills, access livable wage jobs, and permanent or transitional housing.  CORE provides more than 800 beds of emergency, transitional and shelter-based housing, case management, and the provision of vocational and other supportive services to New York's most vulnerable and difficult-to-serve homeless families, single adults and runaway youth. CORE has successfully implemented programs funded by the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS), NYC Housing Preservation & Development (HPD), NYC HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA), NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD) and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
CORE Services Group Address
45 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY
United States
CORE Services Group Email

#1 Startup Dataset

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