Many years ago someone decided that to have a successful career, acquire useful contacts, and learn something new you need to pay tens of thousands of dollars. And then these tens turned into hundreds. Since that moment, many changes have taken place in the world. Each person's home got a television, then a personal computer and high-speed Internet. Later - mobile devices that allowed people to be always online. During this time, man has mastered space and is preparing to explore neighboring planets. During this time, man has overcome racial prejudice and learned to be tolerant. One thing has remained unchanged. You can still get a good executive education only by paying hundreds of thousands of dollars. We challenge this. We challenge the elite and outdated business education; we challenge the social inequality to which it leads. We want to give everyone the opportunity, regardless of their current earnings, social status, and credit history, to learn the newest and learn from the best. We are democratizing business education around the world.