Gary Moores Email

Customer Account Handler . Homewise

Current Roles

We've been specialising in home purchase options for the over 60s for more than forty years now. Our Home for Life Plan is a simple way for people aged over sixty to save up to 59% on the cost of their next home and live rent and mortgage free in that home for the rest of their lives. Back in the seventies, Reg Neal noticed that several of his friends and colleagues were struggling to find suitable, affordable housing as they got older. The more he looked into it, the more it seemed to him that far too many people were stuck in unsuitable housing with unmanageable repayments. So, he bought some houses for his friends, did them up, and charged a significantly reduced one-off fee to cover the costs. Nowadays, this is the Home for Life Plan we know and love.
Homewise Address
Columbia House
Worthing, null
Homewise Email

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