Oxfam is a vibrant global movement of dedicated people fighting poverty - together. Doing amazing work - together. People power drives everything we do. \n\nFrom saving lives and developing projects that put poor people in charge of their lives and livelihoods, to campaigning for change that lasts. That’s Oxfam in action. \n\nOxfam fights poverty in three ways: Campaigning, Development and Emergency Response. \n\nCampaigning for change: Poverty isn’t just about lack of resources. In a wealthy world it’s about bad decisions made by powerful people. Oxfam campaigns hard, putting pressure on leaders for real lasting change. \n\nDevelopment work: Poor people can take control, solve their own problems, and rely on themselves – with the right support. Fighting poverty, we fund long-term work worldwide. \n\nEmergency response: People need help in an emergency – fast. We save lives, swiftly delivering aid, support and protection; and we help people prepare for future crises. \n\nOxfam also has nearly 50 shops in Ireland, supported by a team of over 2,000 volunteers, selling second-hand clothes, books, music and collectables, plus Fairtrade and eco gifts. http://www.oxfamireland.org/shops\n\nInterested in working for Oxfam? Why not visit oxfamireland.org/jobs\n\nNB This profile represents and is run by Oxfam Ireland - www.oxfamireland.org