About: At Mistick Construction, excellence is not only our goal, but our obligation to our clients. We acheive excellence through adherence to the cornerstone of our company's philosophy: building relationships. We are very proud to maintain good relationships with each other at Mistick Construction Company. As a natural extension, we are also unique in maintaining great relationships with our subcontractors and vendors; with the architects and engineers; with you, the client; and with the community at large. To uphold our end in these relationships requires experienced leadership, adherence to the principles of fairness, and a commitment to deliver services which have value to all involved.
Company History: Starting in 1951 as a home building company and progressing into a general contractor in the early 1980s, Mistick Construction Company has built or renovated over 20,000 housing units in Western Pennsylvania. Our reputation for consistent, timely, cost-efficient and quality construction is proven by significant repeat business with our clients.