Vision: Inspiring Actions for Healthy Creeks and Rivers\n\nMission: Committed to Safe, Clean, Enjoyable Creeks and Rivers.\n\nSARA, created in 1937, is one of many such active river authorities in the State of Texas. Its jurisdiction covers 3,658 square miles - all of Bexar, Wilson, Karnes and Goliad Counties.\n\nSARA’s Core Values\n\nStewardship\n\nWe care for our creeks and rivers as a valued natural and community resource.\nWe exercise care in managing the public funds and resources entrusted to us.\nWe care for our employees.\n\nIntegrity\n\nWe are honest, ethical and reliable.\nWe are accountable to and value the trust and confidence of the citizens and communities we serve and each other.\n\nExcellence\n\nWe are committed to innovative, collaborative, adaptive and strategic actions that result in watershed solutions.\nWe provide responsive service, leverage our experience and strive to advance our knowledge, skills and capabilities.\n\nAgency Goals\n\nGenerate lasting and recognized improvements to the health and safety of our creeks, rivers, estuaries and bays.\nEnhance community appreciation for and recreational use of our creeks and rivers.\nAdvance and apply our expertise to influence, develop and implement watershed solutions that balance the environmental, economic and quality of life needs of our communities.\nStrengthen, develop and anticipate expertise at all levels to enhance results, improve service efficiencies, and build employee dedication.\nExpand, diversify and leverage funding sources and partnerships by delivering results.