White Ribbon is the world's largest movement of men and boys working to end men's violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create a new vision of masculinity.
White Ribbon Australia, as part of this global movement, wants all women in Australia to live in safety, free from violence and abuse. We focus on primary prevention: stopping violence before it starts.
White Ribbon Australia is dedicated to ensuring men are active advocates for changing the social norms, attitudes and behaviours that are at the root of men's violence against women. We engage men to stand up, speak out and act to influence the actions of men, demand change and drive gender equality.
Through education, awareness-raising and creative campaigns, prevention programs and partnerships, we highlight the positive role men play in preventing men's violence against women and support them to be part of this social change.
Our vision is A nation that respects women, in which every woman lives in safety, free from all forms of men's abuse. We do this by engaging men to make women's safety a man's issue too. This involves men and women working alongside each other, using the White Ribbon Campaign and Programs as a platform for raising awareness and creating attitudinal and behavioural change.
The White Ribbon Campaign and Programs have a national footprint and include:
Breaking the Silence Schools Program
Workplace Accreditation Program
Ambassador and Advocates Program
Year-long social media and marketing campaigns
White Ribbon Day: 25 November
White Ribbon Night: last Friday in July
White Ribbon Australia Address
28 Cecil Avenue, Cannington North Sydney, null AUS