Satellos is a biotechnology company based a big, bold idea: stimulating the body's innate tissue repair and regeneration mechanisms pharmacologically, i.e., using biologics or small molecules. Our scientists have discovered novel ways to modulate how stem cells divide and replenish -- an evolutionarily conserved process known as polarity. By modulating stem cell polarity we can trigger the body's own regenerative processes to address a host of neuromuscular and neuroanl diseases. iOur lead program is directed towards muscle repair in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Founded in 2018, Satellos is based in Toronto and Ottawa, Canada. Our co-founders include Canada’s leading healthcare investment bank Bloom Burton & Co., Dr. Michael Rudnicki - President & Scientific Director of the Stemcell Network of Canada and Director – Regenerative Medicine and Sprott Center for Stem Cell Research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and Mr. Frank Gleeson a past VC and proven biotech entrepreneur. We recently completed a seed round of financing and are actively seeking relationships to help us advance our novel drug discovery and development activities.