SPC is 100% for Aussies - supporting Aussie growers and farmers and supplying high quality packaged fruit and vegetables to Australian homes for almost 100 years. The SPC family includes trusted household names like ‘SPC', ‘Goulburn Valley', ‘IXL', ‘Ardmona' and ‘Taylor's'. And now, we're proud to bring you our newest innovations, ‘Henry Jones & Co.' Fruit & Chia, ‘ SPC ProVital' and ‘Perfect Fruit' — Frozen Fruit whip, made with 100% Aussie fruit. Here at SPC, we always have, and always will support local growers and farmers to source the best products for you and your family. Providing you with 'better for you' snacking options and pantry products. That's the SPC difference. Packaged Fruit, Tomatoes, Fruit Snacks