Triangle Math and Science Academy (TMSA) is a K-12 Public charter school in Wake County under North Carolina Charter School Law. Approved by the NC Board of Education on March 1st 2012, TMSA will open in Fall 2012 with 272 students in grades K-6 and will ultimately serve over 500 Wake county students. TMSA public charter school, like all other charter schools will be a tuition-free public school and will be privately governed by a non-profit corporation. TMSA will have an open enrollment with no discrimination, no religious association, and no tuition.
Like its currently functioning, very successful and highly demanded sister charter school Triad Math and Science Academy, Triangle Math and Science Academy will be employ an inquiry-based curriculum, which is research-based and has been proven through extensive field studies across the nation. These studies showed that the curriculum has improved student learning and has been found appropriate for all student populations, including at-risk of academic failure and academically-gifted students. TMSA will offer free after-school and weekend tutoring programs for students who are in need of extra help to pass their classes and tests and will prepare its students for regional, statewide, national, and international competitions such as Math Counts, American Mathematics Competitions (AMC), Science Fairs and International Science Olympiads.