If you could better assess and impact learning outcomes in half the time and half the costwouldn't you Welcome to the next-generation of evidence-based classroom assessmentscreated with and for teachers.
FastBridge Learning helps teachers foster greater learning outcomes with evidence-based classroom assessments in math, reading, and behavior developed by a team of nationally-renowned researchers from the University of Minnesota which provide teachers the best data and real-time feedback to inform intervention and instruction decisions that are highly targeted to the individual learner. We offer the only online system (FAST) with both Computer-Adaptive Tests and Curriculum-Based Measurements: a multi-modal, multi-source model that generates more precise data about students' strengths and weaknesses and learning growth. We offer universal screening (3-5 times per school year) to pinpoint skills strengths/weaknesses, provide a predictor of a student's reading and math abilities, and forecast future performance on high-stakes tests. Benchmark screening is used to identify which students are on target or at risk and thus need supplemental support or intensive intervention as part of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RTI) program. We also offer ongoing progress monitoring to precisely measure learning growth. Our evidence-based assessments are highly efficient and accurate, so teachers spend less time testing or guessing and more time teaching.
FastBridge Learning Address
43 Main St. SE Suite #509 Minneapolis, MN United States