Alloy Steel International are the manufacturers of Arcoplate .
Arcoplate is the world's most wear-resistant fused-alloy steel plate. Our line of products are proven to last longer than traditional wear products. Arcoplate delivers cost and time saving benefits while minimizing downtime and energy costs.
Arcoplates smooth dense, chromium-carbide rich overlay makes it the perfect choice for your wear plates, chutes & liners, hoppers & conveyors, dump trucks and excavators & shovels to maximize production and reduce down time. Arcoplate can be used with both fixed and mobile plant operations.
Whether its ore processing, cement, underground mining, marine, agricultural, hydro power plants, forestry or defense, Arcoplate has a solution to resolve your wearplate needs.
Arcoplates products are proven to maximize abrasion resistance and reduce hang-up and carry-back across varied operating conditions.
Arcoplate can be used in most applications and works well in work conditions and environments where abrasion, impact, gouging, erosion, temperature extremes and hang-up or carry-back are experienced.
Alloy Steel International Address
93 Mulgul Road, Malaga, WA, 6090, Australia Malaga, WA Australia