A boutique investment funds management business based in Sydney, Australia, Magellan Financial Group manages global equity funds for high net worth and retail investors in Australia and New Zealand and a limited number of globally-focused investment funds for institutional investors. The principals, Hamish Douglass and Chris Mackay, are two of Australia's leading investment professionals. Their long involvement in M&A activity and corporate advisory work has resulted in invaluable experience and expertise in valuing companies, as well as assessing the macro environment. Magellan manages; Magellan Global Fund (Unhedged and Hedged versions) A quality-focused, long-only unit trust that invests in a concentrated portfolio of global equities. The investment objectives of the Global Fund are to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term, while reducing the risk of permanent capital loss. Magellan Infrastructure Fund (Hedged and Unhedged versions) A unit trust that specialises in investing in global listed infrastructure securities. The Fund aims to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term, while reducing the risk of permanent capital loss. Magellan High Conviction Fund A quality-focused, long only unit trust that invests in a highly concentrated portfolio of global equities. The investment objectives of the High Conviction Fund are to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term. Magellan Flagship Fund An ASX listed investment company (ASX Code: MFF) which invests in a concentrated portfolio of high-quality global equities. Investment funds management, Global Listed Infrastructure, Global Equities