Language connects people and organizations. Language is the only barrier to a global market of hundreds of millions of people and companies. If you perform at the highest level of e-commerce, your translation process should be as agile as you are. Translation opens the door to countless business opportunities. With each new language you add millions to your audience. Both internationally and locally. It's not just ,,Hello, world!'' with Tolq it's also ,,Hello, neighbour!''. Why Tolq? * Razor sharp pricing - Save at least 35%! * Easy Integration - Add one line of code to your website and you're done. * API (optional) - Easy integration directly into your CMS or application * Translation Memory - Additional savings between 20 - 50% over time! * Version Sync - Keep original and translated version in sync automatically * SEO - SEO support is fully integrated into Tolq * 100% Satisfaction guarantee - Translating with Tolq means getting the highest possible quality, provided by professional translators. Use Tolq to translate or localize your website and reach millions of new people. Get started now:! You can also email us via