Daniela Lopez Email

Senior Global Director Hospitality . PressReader

Current Roles

PressReader is an award-winning digital platform that's home to over 7,000 premium newspapers and magazines. We've partnered with thousands of publishers to bring readers on-demand access to the stories that matter to them. Using their phone or tablet, readers can subscribe for unlimited access, or get the full experience sponsored by one of our business partners. Our partners are all over the globe we work with major airlines, hotels, libraries, and maritime vessels to elevate their customer journey. We care about our employees. That's why we continually invest in them from our dynamic work environment to constant opportunities for growth. With offices in Metro Vancouver, Dublin and Manila, we've built a network that celebrates diversity and inclusion. Interested in working with us Check out our openings at pressreader.workable.com. We know there's a strong, sustainable future for people who publish high-quality publications. And we want to be a part of it. Want to find out more Check out about.pressreader.com or contact us at media[at]pressreader.com
PressReader Address
200 - 13111 Vanier Place
Richmond, BC
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