The Centre for Public Impact provides a global forum for governments and their partners to help turn ideas into impact. Improving the impact of government is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The ultimate test of any policy is whether it makes the difference it sets out to achieve. But too often the results do not match the vision, wasting time and money and damaging public trust in leaders and institutions. Regardless of a nation's system of government, citizens want government to work well. Failure to work effectively means that citizens disengage and good policy ideas become even harder to implement. We will bring together world leaders to learn, exchange ideas and inspire each other to achieve better outcomes for citizens. Sharing insights from around the world, our global forums will highlight what has worked and where challenges require new approaches. Our events, roundtables and website will promote debate and draw out the experiences that will lead to a greater understanding of how public impact can be achieved. As we count down to our launch later this year, we will be holding conversations around the world about how to improve the impact of governments. Sign up for news about our meetings, our insights and our launch. Follow us @CPI_foundation and join the conversation.