The EyeBOX is as powerful as it is easy to use. In under 4 minutes, Oculogica’s proprietary technology collects and analyzes over 100,000 data points across 67-domains of eye movement to generate an objective assessment of concussion that is unique to each patient. Detailed, real-time information on TBI and concussion facilitates rapid and precise diagnosis and improved patient outcomes. The EyeBOX requires no baseline data nor individual calibration, and therefore results cannot be influenced by patient will. Baseline-free Proprietary EyeBOX technology generates quick and accurate analysis without the need for pre-incident patient data. Objective 67-point analysis enables greater diagnostic precision and improved patient outcomes. Unlike current standards of care, the EyeBOX goes beyond symptoms to measure brain function. Easy to Use Simple, calibration-free testing requires no literacy, language fluency or the ability to follow special directions. Accurate evaluation can be achieved in pre-verbal and verbally impaired patients.