"Children are the living message we send to a time we will not see."\r\n\r\nOur Mission Statement:\r\nRestoring Hope... Building Dreams\r\n\r\nOur Vision Statement: \r\nFor Campagna Academy to work toward a future in which every child belongs to a healthy family, living in a safe, caring neighborhood.\r\n\r\nOur Philosophy Statements:\r\n\r\n- For Campagna Academy to work toward a future in which every child belongs to a healthy family, living in a safe, caring neighborhood \r\n\r\n-Lasting behavioral change happens only in the context of meaningfulrelationships \r\n\r\n-Respect is the underlying value in life-respect for self, for others, and forour world\r\n\r\n-Respect can be taught and modeled by all staff at all times \r\n\r\n-Every moment is a learning opportunity for both staff and residents\r\n\r\n-Every interaction has the potential to be therapeutic \r\n\r\n-Families consist up of varying constellations of children and adults andhold great potential for providing, nurturing, and grounding that eachindividual needs\r\n\r\n-Emotions are an important part of our humanity and need honestrecognition and appropriate expression\r\n\r\n-Individuals can learn to be proactive in choosing and mature inaccepting the natural consequences of our choices