Founded in 1967, Guilford Child Development (GCD) provides quality child care in Greensboro and High Point, North Carolina and helps young children and families in Guilford County reach their full potential through six child-focused family-centered programs.\r\n\r\n1) Head Start and Early Head Start, provides early childhood education and development services for 1,300 families at twelve five star-rated Centers across Guilford County.\r\n2) Regional Child Care Resources & Referral, provides information, referral and financial assistance toward child care for working parents, as well as training and technical assistance to increase the availability and quality of family child care homes and centers.\r\n3) Nurse-Family Partnership is an evidence-based nurse home visitation program for low-income, first-time mothers.\r\n4) Catering for Kids serves low-cost nutritious meals to 1,800 GCD Centers and other child care homes and centers in Guilford County.\r\n5) Learning Together Family Literacy is a two-generational literacy program that focuses on educational achievements and social advancements of immigrant/refugee and minority mothers and their preschool children.\r\n6) The Family Success Center is an integrated services program focused on breaking the cycle of poverty.