PSMA Australia Limited is an unlisted public company limited by shares and owned by the state, territory and Australian governments. It was established by the governments to ensure that national datasets are developed and made available for the good of the nation. Governments from the various jurisdictions are both PSMA Australia shareholders and custodians of the geospatial data upon which PSMA Australia relies. The shareholders measure their return not by the size of the dividend but by the additional benefit for Australians from these national datasets. PSMA Australia's priority is to maximise this value on behalf of the governments of Australia and to remain financially viable. PSMA Australia plays a vital role in the spatial information sector, both in Australia and internationally. National, quality spatial information is derived from authoritative data sources. PSMA Australia builds and delivers products and services that enable the geospatial sector to develop applications and solutions. These solutions can have significant economic, social and environmental benefits to Australia. PSMA Australia now offers seven datasets and a number of data related services, which the private and public sectors are incorporating into an ever-expanding range of business solutions. Distribution of data is facilitated through PSMA Distribution - a fully owned subsidiary of PSMA Australia that holds licence arrangements with value-added resellers. The datasets and services are increasingly used in both the government and private sectors, helping clients meet a diverse set of needs and ultimately deliver a wide range of benefits. National Mapping Framework Implementation, Service Orientated Architecture R&D, Distribution of National Address and Mapping Assets, Facilitating Mapping and Web Systems, National geospatial datasets, Cloud-based web services for PSMA data