Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) leads emergency management in Victoria by maximising the ability of the emergency management sector to work together and to strengthen the capacity of communities to plan for, withstand, respond to and recover from emergencies.
EMV supports the Emergency Management Commissioner to lead and coordinate emergency preparedness, response and recovery across Victoria's emergency management sector in conjunction with communities, government, agencies and business.
EMV is an integral part of the broader emergency management sector and shares responsibility with a range of agencies, organisations and departments for ensuring the system of emergency management in Victoria is sustainable, effective and community focussed.
Shared Vision
"Safer and more resilient communities"
Shared Goal
A sustainable and efficient emergency management system that reduces the likelihood, effect and consequences of emergencies.
As a sector we do this by:
maximising the ability of the emergency management sector to work together and achieve joined up outcomes that are community focused
leading and facilitating key initiatives focused on system-wide reform with integrated policy, strategy, planning and investment procurement
ensuring a stronger emphasis on shared responsibility, community resilience, consequence management and post emergency recovery activities
embedding emergency management across government, agencies and business
leading and coordinating emergency preparedness, response and recovery with the emergency management sector and community
Emergency Management Victoria was established in July 2014.
"Working in conjunction with Communities, Government, Agencies and Business".