We help you in the establishment of your Local - Green - Money saving energy community and simply manage it with our digital platform ! \n\nWesmart started to operate with the goal of being a positive company not only for individuals and companies but also for the environment.\n\nEnergy Communities are a great solution in the energy transition towards a greener energy as well as more responsible consumption.\n\nYou should actually consider creating an Energy Community:\n???? First because it lowers your energy bill\n???? Secondly because it reduces the carbon emissions linked to your energy consumption (it's local and green ! )\n???? Laslty, WeSmart creates them in a way to empower individuals to act at their own scale and to boost local life.\n\nTo discover our first energy community in Brussels, Greenbizz.energy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8SBhnacP4Y&t=0s\n\nTo discover our services and our digital platform contact us : contact@wesmart.com