OCCI, Inc. has extensive experience in marine and heavy construction over the past twenty years. Our primary focus has been lock and dam rehabilitation along with complex steel repair and bridge construction. Known for leading the way in innovative techniques and work methods, we have established a relationship with numerous Corps of Engineers Districts, State DOTs, and Public Works Owners based on the depth of our engineering capabilities and final product integrity.
OCCI's broad experience enables us to perform the majority of the project work items in-house with the exception of highly specialized items that are naturally subcontracted out to firms with the appropriate expertise. OCCI has made a consistent effort to partner with our subcontractors and suppliers, and develop strong working relationships that often continue from one project to the next.
OCCI's depth as a general contractor is further enhanced with in-house steel fabrication. Missouri Fabricators as a division of OCCI, Inc. is AISC certified for major bridges and is fracture critical/sophisticated paint endorsed. This asset of the OCCI family affords us the ability to fabricate all structural components for a project and be guaranteed of delivery to meet our demanding schedules.