Community Living Guelph Wellington supports over 500 adults with a developmental disability who live in Guelph and Wellington County. \n\nWe believe in community first. We help people with developmental disabilities connect to community for Work and Volunteering, Places to Live, and Recreation. \n\nGuelph and Wellington County are stronger, richer and more productive when ALL citizens participate fully. All people have gifts, talents and skills to contribute. \n\nWe help to build relationships. Together, we are better. \n\n***\n\nOur Mission: Community Living Guelph Wellington is dedicated to facilitating opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to realize their potential and dreams in their communities.\n\nOur Core Principles include: \n* valuing the potential in each person\n* listening to each person's dreams and choices\n* collaborating with community partners\n* being accountable, ethical and transparent in all that we do\n* learning and innovating