OXYVITA Inc. is a biotech company specializing in developing oxygen therapeutics and biomedical products utilizing our proprietary Zero-Linkâ„¢ hemoglobin polymerization process.
OxyVita is a polymerized stroma free hemoglobin. This polymeric hemoglobin solution, which is clinically useful as a blood substitute due to its oxygen carrying function, can dramatically reduce the need for blood donated by human donors and significantly reduce the risks associated with blood transfusions.
OXYVITA Inc. is now significantly advanced in preclinical trials and will be seeking to progress into clinical trials upon FDA approval. Current fund raising is geared at funding the remaining animal trials and FDA application endeavors. We continue to supply product to independent researchers for further evaluation of potential applications.
OXYVITA Inc. had recently entered into a CRADA (Collaborative Research and Development Agreement with the U.S. Navy.