LatinoJustice PRLDEF champions an equitable society. Using the power of the law together with education and advocacy, LatinoJustice PRLDEF protects opportunities for all Latinos to succeed in work and school, fulfill their dreams, and sustain their families and communities.
We accomplish our mission by focusing our work around the following pillars:
Immigrants Rights | Economic Justice | Voting Rights | Criminal Justice Reform | Leadership Development
We use Impact Litigation, Pipeline Education Programs, and Community Engagement & Advocacy as strategies to execute our work:
Our impact litigation cases have helped Latinos access educational, employment and housing opportunities, as well as voting rights. Our legal work has also defended Latinos against unlawful law enforcement tactics and hate crimes.
Our pipeline education programs provide Latino students with access and resources to pursue a law degree and other higher education that paves the way for professional success and community leadership.
Our community engagement and advocacy initiatives ensure that Latinos participate in daily civil life - such as elevating their voices on issues that matter, such as voting, workers's rights, immigrants rights and criminal justice reform. In sum, to be active members and leaders in their communities.
LatinoJustice PRLDEF has served tens of thousand of US citizens, immigrants, and non-Latinos whose rights are protected by the precedents set and behaviors modified through the litigation, advocacy, and legal education outreach of our organization.