Our mission is to create opportunities that empower Guatemalan women to build a better life.
Friendship Bridge provides microfinance, education, and preventive health services to help clients build resilience and pursue opportunities. We call this our Microcredit Plus program. 100% of our clients are women, and we target rural areas where poverty levels are highest in Guatemala.
Friendship Bridge’s average loan size is $318 over nine months with a 2-3% monthly flat interest rate, and our clients maintain a 97.7% loan repayment rate.
To borrow through Friendship Bridge’s Microcredit Plus program, women must first form groups of 7-25 members called Trust Banks. Each Trust Bank co-guarantees individual member’s loans and the women participate in Non-Formal Education sessions that are part of every monthly loan repayment meeting.
Our vision? Empowered women choosing their own path. Join our cause today.